Design, Word Art

Waiting Print

New print in the shop!

This song keeps popping up on the blog (the one where I quit my job and the one for the word art project). It’s been the soundtrack to some of my more nerve-wracking life decisions.

You might notice that the Sound System print was pretty close to the original word art design. I didn’t really think the one that I did for Waiting would make a good lino print, plus I really wanted to take a serious stab at some hand-lettering. I got a few more process photos from this one than the last print. I must have written this out a thousand times – on paper scraps, envelopes, sketchbooks, bank slips. If anyone wandered in and saw my desk, they’d have probably thought I lost my marbles. But I’m pretty happy with how it turned out.

If you want to pick one up, it’s in the shop.



Design, Word Art

Sound System Print

So after a bit of trial and error, and a few less stab wounds than I’d predicted, my print’s done. Even better, you can pick one up in the shop. Makes a great Christmas gift, if your friends are as weird as mine are.


The design is based off of one that I did for the word art project, for Operation Ivy’s “Sound System.” And speaking of the shop, we’re down to one Train Job poster left, so maybe go check that bad boy out.



Design, Word Art

Downloadable Desktop Wallpapers

If you’ve been digging the word art project, you can now download them as desktop wallpapers. It’s an odd format (square), but I actually like having the blank background on either side (dock on the left, desktop items on the right, party in the back… wait…)

The list includes AFI, Bad Religion, Bob Dylan, The Cure, The Dear Hunter, Dustin Kensrue, Foxboro Hot Tubs, Jack Gantos, Green Day, Lou Holtz, Jimmy Eat World, Millencolin, Operation Ivy, Pinhead Gunpowder, Public Enemy, The Replacements, Rise Against, Hunter S. Thompson, Henry David Thoreau, and Thrice.


